Prof. Dr. Efthymios Avgerinos

Află mai multe despre lector

University of Athens
Athens, Greece

Dr. Efthymios (Makis) Avgerinos is Professor of Surgery and has been a faculty of the University of Pittsburgh, USA since 2011. In 2020, he was appointed visiting Professor of Vascular Surgery in Athens, Greece. He is certified by the European Board of Vascular Surgery (FEBVS). He completed his residency in the Department of Vascular Surgery, University of Athens, Greece, as well as a clinical fellowship at King’s Hospital, London, UK and at Stadtische Kliniken, Frankfurt, Germany. Dr. Avgerinos has authored or co- authored more than 220 peer reviewed publications and chapters on vascular surgery and his work has been widely cited and recognized with international awards. He has extensive outcomes’ research and grants in the fields of peripheral arterial and venous thromboembolic diseases serving as principal or sub- investigator in several international trials. Particularly for venous disease he has been focusing on acute DVT interventions, chronic vein lesion management as well as acute pulmonary embolism. He has received awards and grants for his research on better understanding the techniques and outcomes of these interventions.
He has served on the Executive Councils of the European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS), and International Society for Vascular Surgery (ISVS). He is currently serving in the Education, Clinical Research, and Guideline Committees of the Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS). He is a Board member of the European and the American Venous Forum.

Prof. Dr. Frank Bowling

Află mai multe despre lector

Manchester Academic Health Science Center (MAHSCH)
Manchester University, UK

Certificate Compulsory Podiatric Surgical Training, Royal College of Podiatry, Post Graduate Diploma, Reconstructive/Microsurgery (Intercollegiate), Pius Branzeu Centre, Post Graduate Diploma Neurology, (Intercollegiate) Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Science, Nicolae Testemitanu, State University, Doctor of Philosophy in, Medicine, University of Manchester, Master of Science in Surgery & Doctor of Podiatric Medicine, University of Huddersfield, Bachelor of Science, University of Salford. Holding multiple college fellowships, in the Royal College of Physicians (Edinburgh), Physicians & Surgeons of (Glasgow), Podiatric surgeons (London), with traveling fellowships across USA, Australasia & Europe, alongside is clinical work he has also published over one 180 peer reviewed journal articles, 32 book chapters & 6 books and resides on both national & international advisory boards. Dr Bowling is an adjunct Professor of surgery (clinical/academic instructor) at Nicolae Testemitanu & Victor Babes, respectfully. He is a humanitarian and an advocate of Medical Internships Globally in Healthcare (MIGiH internships) with Projects based both home and overseas. Gaining knowledge & experience of global healthcare issues and a deeper understanding of how medical charities change lives in developing countries

Dr. Alina-Marilena Bresler

Află mai multe despre lector

Clinic of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Surgery,
University Hospital Heidelberg, Germany


09/2009 – 07/2015 – Victor Babeș” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timișoara, Romania

Professional Experience:

07/2016  – Licensure as a Physician (the right to practice medicine independent)

09/2016 – 11/2019 – Resident doctor, Clinic of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Surgery, Hochtaunus-Kliniken gGmbH, Bad Homburg, Germany since 11/2018- Emergency Physician

12/2019 – 02/2023 – Resident doctor, Clinic of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Surgery, University Hospital Heidelberg, Germany

since 07/2021- Medical wound expert ICW®

02/2023-09/2024 – Specialist doctor, Clinic of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Surgery, University Hospital Heidelberg, Germany

10/2024 – Senior physician, Clinic of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Surgery, University Hospital Heidelberg, Germany

Dr. Giacomo Clerici

Află mai multe despre lector
Policlinico di Abano Terme (Padua) and Policlinico di Sassari
Padua, Italy

From January 2023
Policlinico di Abano Terme (Padua) and Policlinico di Sassari
Diabetic Foot Department Scientific Director
Research and Clinical Activities in DF field

From December 2020
Policlinico di Abano Terme (Padua) Policlinico di Sassari
Senior Consultant Diabetic Foot Surgeon
Medical, surgical and research activities related to the diabetic foot treatment

From December 2019
Casa di Cura Polispecialistica – San Carlo Clinic Hospital Paderno Dugnano (MI)
Senior Consultant Diabetic Foot Surgeon
Medical and surgical activities related to the diabetic foot treatment

From June 2016 → December 2019
Humanitas Gavazzeni and Humantas Pio X Bergamo and Milan
Chief – Diabetic Foot Surgery Department – Amputation Prevention Centre
Medical and surgical activities related to the diabetic foot treatment

From September 2014 → May 2016
Polo Universitario Convenzionato “Città di Pavia” – San Donato Hospital Group
Chief – Diabetic Foot Surgery Department – Amputation Prevention Centre
Medical and surgical activities related to the diabetic foot treatment

From September 2010 → August 2014
IRCCS Multimedica Sesto San Giovanni (Milano)
Multispecialistic Hospital – Institute Of Research and Clinical Care
Chief – Diabetic Foot Surgery Department – Amputation Prevention Centre
Medical and surgical activities related to the diabetic foot treatment

From 2003 → August 2010
IRCCS Multimedica Sesto San Giovanni (Milano)
Multispecialistic Hospital – Institute Of Research And Clinical Care
Vice-Chief Diabetic Foot Unit
Medical and surgical activities related to the diabetic foot treatment

From 2001 → December 2002
IRCCS Fondazione Salvatore Maugeri – Pavia
Institute of Research And Clinical Care
Assistant Doctor – Diabetic Foot Unit – Diabetology Unit
Medical and surgical activities associated to the diabetic foot treatment

From 1996 → 1998
Casa di Cura “Città di Pavia” – University of Pavia Department
Multispecialistic Universitary Institute
Assistant Doctor – Diabetology and Diabetic Foot Unit
Medical and surgical activities associated to the diabetic foot treatment

From 1998 → 2002
University of Pavia
Internal Medicine – Diabetology – Diabetic Foot Care (medical and surgical activities), training in diabetic foot surgery with plastic surgeons (IRCCS Fondazione Salvatore Maugeri – Pavia) for more than 5 years
Specialization in Internal Medicine

From 1995 → 2000
Diabetic Foot Center – Hospital of Abbiategrasso – Milan
Training In Diabetic Foot Surgery with Orthopedists Specialized in Foot Surgery

From 1985
University of Pavia
Degree in Medicine and Surgery

Winner of the “Fondazione Città di Pavia” (“City of Pavia Foundation”) Research Prize for the endocrine-metabolic area in 1997 with a study on the treatment of the neuropathic diabetic foot.
Author of scientific works presented at national and international meetings and conferences about diabetic foot.
Author of papers in international scientific journals listed in Pubmed (see below) Author of sections in books on the subject of the diabetic foot, diabetic arteriopathy and ischemic cardiopathy in diabetic patient.
Professor at the Bicocca University of Milan – Postgraduate Course on Wound Care Professor at the University Campus – Rome, Master in Foot Surgery.
Professor at the Tor Vergata University – Rome , Diabetic Foot Master.
Professor at the Pavia University – Postgraduate Course on Wound Care.
Professor at the San Raffaele University, Milan – Postgraduate Course on Wound Care.
Professor at the Trieste University – Postgraduate Course on Wound Care.
Speaker and teacher at Conferences and Courses on the subject of the Diabetic foot, nationally and internationally (more than 500) Former member of the Italian Diabetology Society.
Former member of the Italian Association of Diabetologists.
Former member of AIUC (Italian Wound Care Association).
Former member of the scientific committee of the “Study Group on Revascularisation Techniques in the Diabetic Foot”.
Former Member of the EASD, European Association for Studies on Diabetes Former Member of the European Diabetic Foot Study Group (DFSG).
Consultant for the Diabetic Foot for AISLeC (Associazione Infermieristica Italiana per lo Studio delle Lesioni Cutanee Association of Italian Nurses Researching Skin Wounds).
Participant in the discussion on International Guidelines on the Diabetic foot (Rome – 1999).
Former Member of the Board of the Italian Diabetic Foot Study Group of SID/AMD.
Consultant/speaker bureau for Companies involved in DF care.
Speaker for Companies involved in DF care.
Involved in international clinical trials according to ICH-GCP Principles from 2003.
Co-investigator in at least 3 trials (Phase IV).
Former Programme director of Ilegx Initiative.
Organizing Committee – WOUNDS in VeithSymposium 2011.
Former Member of the APWCA (American Professional Wound Care Association).
Journals Reviewer (International Journals Listed in PubMed).
Honorary Member of the Amexipied (Mexican Association of Diabetic Foot).
Current Member of the Board of the International Association of Diabetic Foot Surgeon (IADFS).
Recipient of the 2022 “Paul Brand Award” (December 2022, Desert Foot Conference, Phoenix Az – US) – Lifetime achievement award.
Recipient of the 2023 “Saving Team of the Year” (March 2023, CLIC Conference, Venice IT) – Lifetime achievement award.
Recipient of the 2023 “Edward James Olmos Award” (October 2023, DFComference Anaheim – California US) – Lifetime achievement award.

Dr. Beatrix Cucuruz

Află mai multe despre lector

Clinic and Policlinic of Radiology, University Hospital Halle,

since 01.2024: Head of the department of rare diseases, Clinic and Policlinic of Radiology, University Hospital Halle
27.11.2023: Postdoctoral lecture qualification, University Regensburg
since 10.2022: Head of the clinic of vascular surgery, Martha-Maria Hospital Nuremberg
15.11.2019: Specialist of phlebology
06.04.2017: Specialist of vascular surgery
07.03.2013: Doctorate degree (Dr. med), University Regensburg
2000-2007: Studies of Human Medicine, Ludwig-Maximillian University Munich

Dr. Claudine Hamel Desnos

Află mai multe despre lector

Institut de Pathologie Vasculaire, Private Hospital Geoffroy Saint Hilaire – Ramsay Santé
Paris, France

– 1975 French Baccalauréat
– 1983 Medical Doctor -MD Thesis; Medical License (RPPS) N° 10002105343
– 1987 University Diploma and certification in ANGIOLOGY
– 2018 Specialty of Vascular Medicine
– March 2024 ongoing: Private practice in vascular medicine in “Institut de Pathologie Vasculaire”, Private Hospital Geoffroy Saint Hilaire- Ramsay Santé, France
– 2021- October 2023: Public activity in vascular medicine in Paris-Saint Joseph Hospital Group/Varicose Vein Institute (Paris-France)
– 1993- 2021 Private practice in vascular medicine in Saint Martin Private Hospital (Caen-France)
– 1983-1993 Attached practitioner in University Hospital of Caen-France
– 2014- 2020 President of the Société Française de Phlébologie (SFP- French Society of Phlebology) and President of the M Vigla endowment funds; director of Phlébologie-Annales Vasculaires journal
– 2023 ongoing President of the Multidisciplinary Joint Committee of Phlebology for the UEMS (Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes- European Union of Medical Specialists)
– 2020 Member of Honour of the French Society of Phlebology
– 2017 Member of Honour of the Swiss Society of Phlebology
– 2018 ACP Emeritus Fellowship (Australasian College of Phlebology)
– 2023 Member of Honour of the Canadian Society of Phlebology
– 2019-2022 Elected member of the Scientific Committee of the UIP (International Union of Phlebology)
– 2018 ongoing Head of NRTCP (National Reference Training Centre of Phlebology) Hôpital Privé Saint Martin/SFP for the UEMS (European Union of Medical Specialists)
– 2022 ongoing Educational Supervisor of the European Training Centre in Phlebology (ETCP) “Institut des Varices du Groupe Hospitalier Paris Saint-Joseph (GHPSJ)” for the UEMS
– 2018- 2022 Member of CX Advisory Board of the venous session, for Charing Cross conference in London
– 2019-2023 Treasurer of the Multidisciplinary Joint Committee of Phlebology and treasurer of the European Board of Phlebology for the UEMS (Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes)
– 2007 ongoing Member of the CEMV « Collège des Enseignants en Médecine Vasculaire » (University College of Vascular Medicine in France).
– 2007-2014 Organizer and responsible for the annual “Journées Nationales d’Enseignement en Pathologie Veineuse Superficielle” (National Teaching Days on Superficial Venous Pathology), under the aegis of the Société Française de Médecine Vasculaire and the Collège des Enseignants en Médecine Vasculaire (CEMV)
– 2012-2019 Responsible and Teacher for the University Degree in Thermal Ablation in University Hospital of Grenoble-France
– 2016-2020 Administrator of the Conseil National Professionnel de Médecine Vasculaire in France (National Professional Council of Vascular Medicine)
– 2018-2021 Member of the national committee for certification in Specialty in Vascular Medicine in France

Prof. Dr. Robert Finichi

Află mai multe despre lector

Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Department, Martha-Maria Hospital
Nuremberg, Germany

Since 2020 – Martha-Maria Hospital & Vascular Center Nuremberg, Vascular Surgery, Senior Physician
2019 – 2020 – Katharinenhospital Unna, Dermatology and Phlebology, Senior Physician, Phlebology
2014 – 2019 – Artemed Specialist Clinic for Phlebology, Bad Oeynhausen, Senior Physician, Vascular Surgery
2012 – 2014 – Marienkrankenhaus Soest, Department of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Surgery, Assistant Physician
2010 – 2012 – NuVield Health Woking Hospital London, Liverpool Surgery, Resident Medical Officer
2009 – 2010 – Bio Terra Med Clinic Bucharest (Romania), Department of Phlebology, Specialist in Vascular Surgery
2008 – 2010 – Romanian Army Center for Cardiac and Vascular Surgery, Bucharest (Romania), Department of Cardiac and Vascular Surgery, Specialist
2004 – 2007 – Romanian Army Center for Cardiac and Vascular Surgery, Bucharest (Romania), Department of Cardiac and Vascular Surgery, Specialist
1997 – 2004 – Medical University of Bucharest, Department of Cardiac and Vascular Surgery, Romanian Army Center for Cardiac and Vascular Surgery, Bucharest Assistant Physician
1995 – 1997 – Practical Year
2010 – 2012 – NuVield Health Woking Hospital, London and Liverpool Surgery, Resident Medical Officer
2008 – St. Elisabeth’s Hospital, Washington DC, Medical Officer
2007 – 2008 – Veteran Affairs Medical Center, Washington DC, Medical Officer
2007 – Medical and Surgical Group of Northern Virginia, Falls Church, VA, Internal Medicine
2007 – DeKalb Medical Center, Decatur, GA, PactAtlanta Mental Clinic, Atlanta, GA, Psychiatry Department
2019 – Additional qualification: Phlebology
2018 – Additional qualification: Lymphology
2017 – Additional qualification: Medical Wound Therapy
2015 – Recognition as Specialist in Vascular Surgery, Germany
1997 – 2004 – Specialist in Cardiovascular Surgery, Romania
1989 – 1995 – “Carol Davila” University, Bucharest, Romania
2022 – Endovascular Surgery Course, Frankfurt
2010, 2019 – Certification in Vascular Duplex Sonography
2005 – USMLE, Step 3, US – Connecticut
2003 – ECFMG Certificate, US

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cynthia Formosa

Află mai multe despre lector

Department of Podiatry, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Malta

Professor Cynthia Formosa PhD, MSc (Brighton) FFPM RCPS (Glasg.) D. ABPMi ( US) qualified as a State Registered Podiatrist from the Department of Health, Malta in February 1989. Cynthia Formosa is currently working on full-time basis as an Associate Professor with the University of Malta. She was also President of the Association of Podiatrists, Malta for two years . She was also appointed as a Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Sport, Health and Exercise Research, Faculty of Health, Staffordshire University. She is also External examiner for two universities one in the UK and another in Ireland She is also Fellow of the Faculty of Podiatric Medicine at the Royal College of Physcians and Surgeons, Glasgow and diplomate of the American Board of Podiatric Medicine International.. She is currently the Chairperson of the European Council of Podiatrists, a sub-committee of the International Federation of Podiatrists and a member of the Clinical Biomechanics and Human Performance Research Team at the Faculty of Health, Staffordshire University. She is also a founder member of the Diabetes Foot Research Group, University of Malta, ENPODHE and Global Podiatry Network. Cynthia has published over 120 papers in both local and peer- reviewed international journals. She has also contributed in a number of book chapters. She has presented over 250 presentations in leading international Podiatry and Diabetes Congresses and Conferences. She is also a peer-reviewer and editorial board member of a number of local and international journals.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alfred Gatt

Află mai multe despre lector

University of Malta
Fellow of the Faculty of Podiatric Medicine at the College of Physicians and Surgeons (Glasgow)

Alfred Gatt is an Associate Professor at the University of Malta and a Fellow of the Faculty of Podiatric Medicine at the College of Physicians and Surgeons (Glasgow). After 20years as Manager of Podiatry Services in Malta, he focused on academia and research, especially in relation to biomechanics of the diabetic foot. He has published over 100 papers in various peer-reviewed journals and presented in leading Podiatry and Diabetes Conferences internationally. He is past President of the European Network of Podiatry in Higher Education (Enpodhe), founding Chair of the Association of Podiatrists of Malta and the Diabetes Foot Research Group at the University of Malta. His work is based on 3D motion analysis, medical thermography in diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and CADCAM manufacture of custom foot orthoses. After obtaining several grants, he is currently working on medical devices aimed at diagnosis and management of diabetic foot disease.

Prof. Dr. Athanasios D. Giannoukas

Află mai multe despre lector
Professor of Vascular Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Thessaly
Chairman of the Department of Vascular Surgery, University Hospital of Larissa

Larissa, Greece

Giannoukas Athanasios, MSc, MD, PhD, FEBVS is a Professor of Vascular Surgery at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Thessaly, Greece. He is the Founder & Chairman of the Department of Vascular Surgery, University Hospital of Larissa, Greece (06/2006 until now), the only vascular service in the region of Central Greece, with a catchment population of 1,2 million inhabitants. He has also served as the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly in Larissa, Greece (2018-2020, 2020-2022). He is a founding member and the Chairman of the Institute of Vascular Diseases – IVD (2010-today), an institute dedicated to the advancement of vascular medicine through education and research.
He has over 300 publications in scientific journals and has written and edited 6 books and 37 book chapters. He is a reviewer in 20 international scientific journals and has received 27 prizes, awards and scholarships. He has more than 360 invited lectures in international and national congresses and has been the principal investigator in 14 Clinical Protocols and Research Programmes. He is a visiting professor in 5 foreign universities.
He is the director of 3 MSc Courses implemented at the Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences of the University of Thessaly, Greece, i.e. a.) “Advanced Ultrasonic Functional Imaging and Research for Prevention and Diagnosis of Vascular Diseases (2015-2024), to be replaced in 2024 by its English speaking version titled “Vascular Ultrasound in Diagnosis and Management”, b. “Deontology and Ethics in Biomedical Sciences (2019-today) and c. “Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approach to Diabetic Foot” (2021-today).

Dr. Lucian Jiga

Află mai multe despre lector

Clinica de Chirurgie Plastică, Estetică şi Reconstructivă, Chirurgia mâinii

Spitalul Evanghelic, Campusul Medical al Universității din Oldenburg, Germania

Dr. Kiriaki Kalligianni

Află mai multe despre lector
Hygeia Hospital
Endovascular Department, Athens Euroclinic

Athens, Greece

Dr Kiriaki Kalligianni is a vascular surgeon and one of the first endovascular specialists in Greece, certified by the German Society of Vascular Surgery. She is a graduate of the ‘’Iuliu Hatieganu’’ University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj Napoca. Directly after her basic studies she trained full-time as general surgeon in Athens, continuing her training as a specialist in Vascular Surgery in Nuremberg Germany, under the supervision of Prof. Dieter Raithel who influenced significantly her further evolution. This was followed by special endovascular training in USA-Arizona AHI as well as in other European centers of endovascular surgery. She achieved her doctoral (Dr med) and post-doctoral (Priv.-Doz.) lecturing qualification and was named Associated Professor of Vascular Surgery. She currently is scientific associate, leading her own medical team in Hygeia Hospital in Athens and director of Endovascular Department in Athens Euroclinic. Apart from these, she runs her own private practice of vascular surgery in Athens. Due to high volume of surgeries performed she has a great experience in open and endovascular surgery. Her scientific interests are related to aortic surgery and peripheral arterial techniques especially in diabetic patients. As an active member of the european vascular community she is in charge of many educational and postgraduate seminars especially in the peripheral diabetic arterial disease where she is considered an expert. Her scientific activity is expressed through the active memberships in several greek and foreign scientific medical societies, her authorship, her involvement in organization of congresses and mainly in the foundation and establishment of special scientific bodies in Greece.

Dr. Anne-Sophie Lensel

Află mai multe despre lector

Institut de Pathologie Vasculaire,
The Geoffroy Saint Hilaire Private Hospital – Ramsay Santé

Paris, France

Vascular doctor working in a consultant office in Paris since 2013.
Paris Sorbonne – Du «Hypnose Medicale», 2024
Competency Degree in Thermal and Non-Thermal Endovenous Treatment, 2021
Paris Sorbonne – Diu «Les Lasers Medicaux», 2019
Qualification in Vascular Medicine, 2012
Medical Doctor University Lyon 1, 2012
Since Mars 2024: Creation of the “Institut de Pathologie Vasculaire, IPV”
Since November 2022: Endovenous laser treatment
Since May 2020: Endovenous laser treatment
Since March 2014
Opening of my own vascular medicine practice.
Doppler ultrasound
Thermal and non-thermal invasive procedure
Attendance :
Annual conference of angiologists : Société Française de Phlébologie (SFP),
Société Française de Médecine Vasculaire (SFMV)
Annual congress of the European Society of Vascular Medicine

Prof. Dr. Michael Koller

Află mai multe despre lector

Center for Clinical Studies, University Hospital Regensburg
Regensburg, Germany

Qualification and professional career
1978-1984 – University of Vienna, Austria, Major: Psychology, Minor: Political Science, Ph.D. in Psychology (1984)
1983 – Visiting Student University of Texas at Austin
1984-1990 – Scientific Assistant and lecturer, Department of Psychology, University of Bielefeld
1988-1989 – Visiting scholar, Department of Psychology, Arizona State University
1991-2005 – Scientific Assistant, Head of the Quality of Life Study Group and Hochschuldozent (Assistant Professor), Institute of Theoretical Surgery, University Hospital Marburg
1999 – Habilitation (Secondary Post-doctoral degree) in Surgical Research/Theoretical Surgery
2005 – apl.Professor Philipps-University Marburg
Since Nov 2005 – Head, Center for Clinical Studies, University Hospital Regensburg
Research interests
Conceptualization of clinical studies, outcome-analysis (quality of life), methodological and psychological aspects of clinical studies, development of clinical practice guidelines
German Network of Health Services Research (DNVF), German Society of Surgery, European Organization of Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), German Network for Clinical Studies (KKS-Netzwerk), Association of Medical Scientific Societies (AWMF), German Society of Psychology
Current grant-funded projects
G-BA Innovationsfonds Versorgungsforschung (VSF1_2021-027, 01VSF21051, VSF3_2021-183);
G-BA Innovationsfonds Leitlinien (AWMF Register-Nr. 058-001, 01VSF23001; AWMF Register-Nr. 003-007, 01VSF21001); EORTC QoL Curriculum.
Representative publications (out of > 400)
Cucuruz B, Koller M, Pfleiderer R, Geisthoff U, Meyer L, Kapp F, Lang W, Schmitz-Rixen T, Wohlgemuth WA. Towards a better treatment of patients with vascular malformations: Certified interdisciplinary centers are mandatory. Z Evid Fortbild Qual Gesundhwes. 2022 Feb 7:S1865-9217(21)00216-6. doi: 10.1016/j.zefq.2021.11.003. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35144912.
Koller M, Shamieh O, Hjermstad MJ, Hornslien K, Young T, Chalk T, Ioannidis G, Harle A, Johnson CD, Tomaszewski KA, Serpentini S, Pinto M, van der Weijst L, Janssens A, Morag O, Chie WC, Arraras JI, Pompili C, Jungraithmayr W, Hechtner M, Katsochi D, Müller K, Gräfenstein L, Schulz C, Bottomley A; European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Quality of Life Group; EORTC Lung Cancer Group; European Society of Thoracic Surgeons. Psychometric properties of the updated EORTC module for assessing quality of life in patients with lung cancer (QLQ-LC29): an international, observational field study. Lancet Oncol. 2020 May;21(5):723-732. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(20)30093-0. Epub 2020 Mar 23. PMID: 32213338.
Koller M, Ernstberger A, Zeman F, Loss J, Nerlich M; Trauma Network Eastern Bavaria (TNO). Outcome after polytrauma in a certified trauma network: comparing standard vs. maximum care facilities concept of the study and study protocol (POLYQUALY). BMC Health Serv Res. 2016 Jul 11;16:242. doi: 10.1186/s12913-016-1468-5.

Prof. Dr. Fabrizio Mariani

Află mai multe despre lector
Departament Vascular Surgery Valdisieve Hospital, Pontassieve (Florence) – Italy
Angiomedica Vein Clinic, Colle di Val d’Elsa (Siena) – Italy

MD 29/03/1988 (University of Cagliari). Specialization in Angiology-Vascular Surgery 17/07/1991 (University of Cagliari).
5/1988, n° 2974.Registered Italian Medical Association Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi e degli Odontoiatri in Siena 30/0
Researcher Center of Phlebology, Chair and Emergency Surgery Unit (General Surgery and Surgical Specialties Clinic), Siena University 1989-1990.
Researcher General Surgery and Surgical Specialties Clinic, Siena University 1997-1998-1999-2001.
Professor School of Phlebology Siena University, from 1990/1991 to 1993/1994. Professor Master in Phlebology, Siena University 2001/2002.
Professor Master “Aesthetic Medicine”, Siena University from 2005/2006 to 2014/2015. Professor Master in “Wound Healing”, Florence University 2007/2008.
Professor “Advanced Course in Phlebolymphology”, Ferrara University 2000/2001 and 2001/2002.
Adjunct Professor in “Sclerotherapy and Compression in Phlebology”, School of Specialization in Angiology – Cagliari University 1992/1993 and 1993/1994.
Adjunct Professor in “Semeiotica funzionale e strumentale”, School of Specialization in General Surgery I Siena University from 1995/1996 to 2010/2011.
Adjunct Professor in “Vascular Pathology”, School of Specialization in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery from 2008/2009 to 2011/2012.
ECM Referee for Angiology and Vascular Surgery – Italian Public Health Ministry.
National Delegate FNOMCeO “Multidisciplinary Joint Committee in Phlebology” UEMS (EU) from 2015.
Educational Supervisor National Reference European Training Centre in Phlebology Hesperia Hospital, Modena (Italy) from 2018;
Educational Supervisor European Training Centre in Phlebology Tuscany’s South Est Local Health Unit (Italy) from 2020.
Chief European Training Centre in Phlebology Angiomedica Vein Clinic, Colle V.Elsa-Siena (Italy) from 2019.
Author of 90 scientific publications indexed, 11 books, 247 papers and abstracts.
Editor and Member in Consensus Conferences and Guidelines: Compression 2006-2009; Guidelines Italian College of Phlebology 2013.
Kreussler Award Congress of the International Union of Phlebology UIP (Strasbourg 1989).
Gian Camillo Donadi Award of the Italian College of Phlebology (13rd edition-2004).
Chairman, Speaker or Moderator in more than 300 national and international Congresses.
Member of the Editorial Board of “International Angiology”.
Founding Member of the Italian College of Phlebology – CIF (1996).
Member of the Board of the Italian College of Phlebology – CIF since 1996 to 2008 and since 2013 to date.
President of the Italian College of Phlebology – CIF 2015-2016.
Founding President of The Compression Therapy study Group – CTG.
Member of the “Thematic Federation on Wound Healing” UEMS (EU) 2015-2019.
Member of the “Multidisciplinary Joint Committee in Wound Healing” UEMS (EU) since 2019.
General Secretary “Multidisciplinary Joint Committee in Phlebology” UEMS (EU) 2015-2021, since 2023 to date.
Vice President “Multidisciplinary Joint Committee in Phlebology” UEMS (EU) 2021-2023.
General Secretary “European Board of Phlebology” UEMS (EU) since 2017 to date.

Prof. Dr. Gabor Menyhei

Află mai multe despre lector
Department for Vascular Surgery
University Medical School of Pécs

Primary medical qualification:
1981 University Medical School of Pecs, Hungary (MD degree)

Postgraduate qualifications:
1985 Specialist in General Surgery, Pecs, Hungary
1988 Specialist in Vascular Surgery, Budapest, Hungary

Professional experiences:
1982 – 1990 – Trainee, then Assistant Lecturer/Registrar in Surgery, Department of Surgery, University Medical School of Pecs, Hungary
1988 – Vascular Surgical Trainee at the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Semmelweis University, Budapest
1991 – 1992 – Lecturer/Senior Registrar in Vascular Surgery, Department of Surgery, University Medical School of Pecs
1993 – 1995 – Visiting Registrar in Surgery, West Suffolk Hospital, Bury St Edmunds, U.K.
1996 – 2009 – Senior Lecturer and Consultant in Vascular Surgery at the Department of Vascular Surgery, University of Pécs
from January 2010 – Professor of Vascular Surgery, Head of the Department of Vascular Surgery, University Pécs Medical School between 2010 and 2020

Postgraduate Training Courses:
1990 Training in Vascular Surgery, Knappschafts Krankenhaus Bottrop, Germany
1992 Training Course in Microsurgery, University Medical School of Pecs
1994 Noninvasive Vascular Course, St Mary’s Hospital, London, UK
1995 Revision Course in Vascular Surgery, St Thomas Hospital, London

Language proficiency:
1984 German Language State Examination, Budapest
1995 Certificate of Advanced English, Cambridge, UK

Teaching Experience:
Teaching General and Vascular Surgery at the University Medical School of Pecs since 1986 delivering lectures for medical students and on postgraduate training courses.
Teaching Surgery also in English for foreign students of the English Program at the University Medical School of Pecs since 1995 and in German in the German Program since 2006.

Research Experience:
from 1985 Noninvasive diagnostics of chronic venous insufficiency, development of a new method of dynamic radionuclide venography, studies on long-term results of venous bypass procedures and on outcome and haemodynamic consequences of subfascial endoscopic perforator surgery
from 1998 Outcome following cryostripping, clinical results of endovenous procedures including radiofrequency ablation of perforators
2001 PhD thesis on noninvasive diagnostics and procedures of chronic venous insufficiency
2004 Establishment of the Vascular Registry in Hungary
2007 Joining the Vascunet Group of ESVS and participation in international research projects with analysis of carotid, AAA and lower limb vascular procedures.
Presenting papers on more than 150 international congresses and symposia
Number of publications: 143, Impact factor:157, Citations: 1604, Hirsch index: 18

Membership in scientific societies
European Society for Vascular Surgery
– Council Member between 2007 and 2010
– VASCUNET Board member representing Hungary since 2010
– Chairman of LOC, ESVS Annual Meeting Budapest 2013
European Venous Forum
Hungarian Society for Angiology and Vascular Surgery
Member of Board since 1999
President of the Society between 2013-2015
Hungarian Society for Surgery Board member
UEMS SBVS national delegate since 2018, member of the CME Committee since 2020

University activities
Chairman of the Committee for Foreign Affairs at the University of Pecs between 2014-2018
Member of the Regional Research Ethical Committee, University of Pecs Medical School
Chairman of the Medical Ethical Committee, University of Pecs, Medical School
Member of the Professional Board, Clinical Center of University of Pecs

2006 Dean’s Education Award of University Pécs Medical School
2007 Best Publication Award of Vascular Surgery in Hungary
2009 Rector’s Medical Award
2015 Corresponding Member of the Austrian Society of Vascular Surgery
2016 Hungarian Higher Education Award of the Ministry of Education
2017 Lajos Soltesz Award of the Hungarian Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery
2020 Hungarian Order of Merit Knight’s Cross
2021 Pro Patiente Award Pécs University Clinical Centre

Prof. Dr. Thomas Noppeney

Află mai multe despre lector

Department for Vascular and endovascular Surgery
University Hospital Regensburg

Education and Qualification :
1973 – 1980 Study of medicine at Friedrich-Alexander-University, Erlangen, Germany,
Finishing with a state exam to MD and medical licence by Bavarian Doctors Chamber
1981 – 1982 – 1982 Military service as a doctor in the German army
PhD: lyophylised cadaver veins usable as vessel substitutes – an experimental study in dogs, Friedrich-Alexander-University, Erlangen, Germany
Postdoctoral training and Certification:
1982-1983 Resident general surgery at the first surgical hospital, Nuremberg, Germany, Prof. Holder
1983-1985 Resident general, trauma, cardiac and vascular surgery, University Hospital Erlangen, Germany, Prof. Gall
1985-1989 Fellow vascular surgery, City Hospital Nuremberg, academic teaching Hospital Erlangen University, Prof. Raithel
April 26, 1989 Certification as a general surgeon by the Bavarian Medical Association
October 10, 1989 Certification as a vascular surgeon by the Bavarian Medical Association
1989-1992 Fellow cardiac surgery, University Hospital Erlangen, Germany, Prof. von der Emde
March 02, 1995 Accreditation as a phlebologist by the Bavarian Medical Association
2010 Certification as endovascular specialist by the German Society for Vascular Surgery
Since 1996 Certified permission of the Bavarian State Medical Association for training of fellows in vascular surgery and phlebology
Since 2015 Examiner for Phlebology Bavarian Medical Association
Since 2017 Associate Professor Phlebology University of Regensburg
Professional activities and hospital affiliations:
1993–2006 Consultant vascular surgeon, Hallerwiese Hospital, Nuremberg, Germany
2004-2019 Medical director and CEO, Center for vascular diseases, Nuremberg, Germany
2005-2022 Head Department Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Surgery, Martha Maria Hospital, Nuremberg, academic teaching hospital Erlangen University, Germany
Since 2022 Head section phlebology, dept. of vascular and endovascular surgery, University hospital Regensburg, Germany
Member of:
German Society for Phlebology
German and International Society for Angiology
German Society for General Surgery
Bavarian Society for General Surgery
German Society for Vascular Surgery
Society for Vascular Surgery, United States of America
European Society for Vascular Surgery
International Society for Endovascular Specialist
Guideline committees
Interdisciplinary German guideline diagnosis and therapy of deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism
Management of chronic venous disease: Clinical practice guidelines of the European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS)
Interdisciplinary German guideline diagnosis and therapy of varicose veins
Member of the organizing committee of the Robert-May-Congress for Phlebology, 2000 in Innsbruck, Austria.
Member of the international faculty of the annual meeting Endovascology, Shanghai China since 2003.
President of the Annual Meeting of the German Society for Phlebology 2003 in Nuremberg, Germany
Member international advisory board UIP world congress 2005, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Co-president of the 4th Meeting of the Japanese German Society for Vascular Surgery, 2006 in Nuremberg, Germany
Executive Boards
Board member of the German Society for Vascular Surgery, from 1998-2008 and from 2013-2020
Board Member of the German Society for Phlebology, from 2001-2009
Member of the advisory board of the German Society for Phlebology from 2010-202
Scientific Work
More than 80 manuscripts and 19 reviews published since 1984 in various national and international peer reviewed medical journals
12 Posters submitted to international congresses
More than 300 lectures given since 1984 in German and International congresses
Author or Co-Author of 11 chapters in several textbooks
Named as one of the top 10 German phebologists by FOCUS News Magazine, Germany Edition 12/2000, 2020, 2021
Named as one of the top 50 German vascular surgeons by FOCUS News Magazine, Germany 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021
Member of the Faculty 2000 in Vascular Surgery since 2009
Honorary Member Chinese Medical Doctors Association Endovascology 2014
Corresponding Member Austrian Society for Vascular Surgery 2018
Visiting Professor of the University of Medicine and Pharmacology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2022

Prof. Dr. Zoran Rancic

Află mai multe despre lector

University of Zurich
Zurich, Switzerland

Zoran Rancic, M.D., Ph.D. earned medical degree at the University of Nis, School of Medicine Nis, Serbia, and received his training as vascular surgeon at the University of Belgrade, Clinic for vascular and endovascular surgery and Surgical Clinic Nis. He was research fellow at the University Hospital Leuven, Belgium, at St Mary’s Hospital Imperial College London, and at the University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland. He worked for 16 years at the Clinic for Vascular Surgery University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland, and moved to Hospital Lachen to build vascular centre. He is Associate Professor at Zurich University. Currently he is working at Lachen Hospital, and in charge of building inter-cantonal vascular centre. He is member of ESVS Academia (Aortic Path Lead) and Program Committee (advisor), as well as ESCVS (ExCo member). Dr Rancic’s specialities are conventional and endovascular treatment of aortic aneurysms including thoracoabdominal and the aortic arch, as well as hybrid techniques. He is a member of EVEREST (European Virtual Reality Endovascular RESearch Team). He ran ten years as Course Director of the ESVS workshop at Zurich University Hospital: MARZ (Management of Aortic Rupture Zurich), and he has been actively involved in the Medtronic Academia focusing on the management of ruptured aortic aneurysms including technical and team training. Since 2015 examiner at UEMS Section and Board of Vascular Surgery.

Prof. Dr. Lang Werner

Află mai multe despre lector
Department of Vascular Surgery
University Hospital Erlangen

Education and academic appointments:
1996 Postdoctoral lecturing qualification, Assistant professor
2003 Professor of Surgery, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg
Postdoctoral training:
1985 – 1986 Internship, Institute of Anatomy (Prof. Dr.Dr. J. Rohen) University Erlangen-Nuremberg
1986 – 1993 Resident, Department of Surgery, University Hospital Erlangen
1993 – 1995 Chief resident, Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, University Hospital Erlangen
1995 – Chairman, Department of Vascular Surgery, University Hospital Erlangen
Licensure and certification:
Consultant surgeon; Consultant vascular surgeon; Consultant phlebologist
Full Member of the Bavarian Board for postgraduate training in vascular surgery
Full Member of the Bavarian Board for postgraduate training in phlebology
Full Member of the Board for postgraduate training in vascular ultrasound, medical association KVB
Fellow of the European Board of Vascular Surgery (FEBVS)
Memberships, offices and committee assignments in professional societies:
German Society of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery (DGG)
German Society of Ultrasound
Corresponding Member of the Austrian Society of Vascular Surgery (ÖGG)
Honorary Fellow of the European Board of Vascular Surgery
Honorary Member Hungarian Society of Vascular Surgery
SVS Society of Vascular Surgery (USA)
Vascular & Endovascular Surgery Society (USA)
1999 – Board of examiners, Bavarian Board of Medicine
2004 – Board of examiners, UEMS Section and Board of Vascular Surgery
2005 – 2014 Executive committee member, German Society of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
2011/2012 President, German Vascular Society (German Society for Vascular Surgery and Vascular Medicine – DGG)
Major research interests:
Bypass surgery in diabetics and in critical limb ischemia
Vascular surgery combined with plastic reconstructive surgery
Perfusion measurements during vascular and endovascular surgery
Carotid artery reconstruction
Endovascular surgery